当你想要长时间,多频率地连续测量动物体温变化的时候,你是不是感到很头疼,不知道怎么才能得到想要的数据呢?安利一款可多通道、无线式检测体内温度利器——Anipill® 体温胶囊,轻松实现动物体温监测,扫描下方二维码即可试用。
Anipill® 体温胶囊基于使用微型传感器准确测量生理参数,将测得的数据连续无线地发送到便携式设备,允许远程监控。其体积小,无害,高精度,寿命长,可远距离传输等优点不仅解决了传统方式记录体温耗时的问题,还避免了多次重复操作对动物造成压力影响数据收集现象,从而深受客户的喜爱,目前已有较多相关文献发表于 Nature、Elsevier 等诸多 Sci 期刊上(相关文献见文末)。
为什么选择 ANIPILL® ?
Anipill® 是一种小型电子胶囊,便于中型物种吞食,也可简单地植入小型动物,如小鼠(起始重量为 20 g),实时通信技术使您能够连续访问从专门的监测仪 Anilogger® 收集的数据,每个胶囊的内嵌存储器确保突发情况下与监测仪的通信中断时可恢复所有其收集的数据,比方说在正常生命状况下的测量期间通信中断,数据同步后可以恢复所有测量的温度值,而不会丢失数据。
ANIPILL® 胶囊可在启动完成后和 AniLogger® 监测仪的配对,1 台监测仪可同时追踪 8 个胶囊,胶囊的工作时长为 20 天至 10 个月(具体取决于所选的采样周期),确保同时批量完成数据,减少实验成本,此外设备可与 PC 和 MAC 兼容的接口,方便后续对收集数据进行存档或临床操作;
AniLogger® 解决方案持续监控动物体内温度,目的是为了了解动物的生理机制或监测其发热状态。该设备不但适用于收集药物/疫苗学数据,而且也适用于分析生物节律,休眠或温度调节过程。
➣ 药理学研究:
➣ 休眠研究:
休眠是动物的生命功能保持在较差状态的生物条件,这相当于一段冬季的深度睡眠时间。期间,动物经历了一系列生理变化(体温过低,基本功能降低 … )。
➣ 生物节律分析:
➣ 温度调节机能分析:
➣ Anipill® 胶囊:
存放:2 年关机存储
重量:1.7 克
尺寸:17.7 mm x 8.9 mm
采样:1 分钟,2 分钟,5 分钟,15 分钟,1 小时
使用寿命:20 天至 10 个月
精度:0.1 °C
校准:25 °C~45 °C
FIFO 存储器具有 2,000 个数据容量
发送数据:遥测(433 MHz)
发送距离:1~3 米(取决于物种)
➣ Anilogger® 监测仪:
每台监测仪可追踪 8 个胶囊
多通道:7 台监测仪同时运行
存储:150,000 个数据/胶囊
电池寿命:24 h / 36 h
尺寸:120 mm x 70 mm x 15 mm
上海金年会科学仪器有限公司作为 Bodycap 的授权代理商,为您提供完善的售前、售中和售后的技术支持与服务。现开展试用活动,您只需要购买一个胶囊,就能无偿使用金年会的主机和软件,快来联系参与吧!
1.IL-17a promotes sociability in mouse models of neurodevelopmental disorders
volume 577, pages249–253(2020)
Tracking of body temperature Body temperature was measured using the Anipill remote temperature monitoring system (007894-001, DSI). Adult male mice were implanted with an Anipill capsule in the abdominal cavity. Experiments were carried out more than three weeks after surgery. Mice were singly housed the day before the experiment. Ambient temperature was maintained at 23.5 °C, consistent with the ambient temperature of the vivarium. Body temperature was sampled in 5-min increments. LPS or vehicle injections occurred between 11:00–13:00 for experiments assaying the effects of LPS on body temperature in PBS and MIA offspring.
2.Effect of non-thermal radiofrequency on body temperature in mice
volume 10, Article number: 5724 (2020)
Anipill transmitter implantation. Body temperature of mice was recorded by using Anipill loggers (1.7 g weight and 8.2 mm diameter, 17.2 mm length) (BodyCap, Paris, France) to obtain temperature data from freely-moving mice.
3.Continuous and non-invasive thermography of mouse skin accurately describes core body temperature patterns, but not absolute core temperature
volume 10, Article number: 20680 (2020)
All animal procedures were approved by the ACER AWERB of the University of Oxford and performed under a UK Home office license in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations. Five wildtype C57Bl6/J mice were implanted intraperitoneally with anAnipill temperature telemeter. Following post-operative recovery mice were housed at an ambient temperature of 22 ± 1 °C in open-top cages, each positioned under a thermal camera. Tskin was measured every second by storing the temperature of the warmest pixel. Tcore was measured every 30 s by the implanted Anipill.
4.PGC-1β-expressing POMC neurons mediate the effect of leptin on thermoregulation in the mouse
volume 10, Article number: 16888 (2020)
Cold exposure and norepinephrine tests. For cold exposure challenge, animals were individually placed and acclimatized to CLAMS cages in early daytime with free access to water but no food for at least 6 h at 23 °C. Five days later, animals were placed in pre-cooled CLAMS cages without food access for 6 h at 4 °C. Core body temperature measurements were obtained using Anipill Temperature Implant (Phymep).
5. Maximising survival by shifting the daily timing of activity
p. 2097-2102 Letter
Body temperature recordings were performed for ~ 2 months in a separate population of mice implanted intraperitoneally with Anipill temperature data loggers. All measurements were performed in both male and female mice. An extensive description of methodological details is available in the Supporting Information.